Learn to Balance the Four Skills:
Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing
Most students want to speak English better. If that's one of your goals, it's important that you learn to balance the four key competencies. Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the basic (college) skills you need to communicate in any language. Mastering one of them will not help you communicate. For example, you should be able to read well before writing. You also need to be a good listener to be able to speak. It is important to consider these related capabilities in both groups.
Input <<< Listen (your ears)
Read (with your own eyes)
Output >>> Speak (verbally)
Write (with your hands)
It is easy. Now think about it. You have your first ticket. Then we have the output. You hear people asking you questions first. Second, speak up and give them your answer. First you read someone's message. Then, answer them. These are examples of relationships.
It is not necessary to go through any special order to enter and exit. Sometimes you talk first and then listen. Sometimes you write down what you hear. During communication, the person you're calling uses one of the opposite capabilities. Therefore, in order to understand each other, each individual needs to specialize in four areas.
Some students want to know extreme skills. Because all abilities depend on the individual, they are all important. However, in relationships we use some abilities more than others. For example, we only listen about 40% of the time in conversation. We talk about 35% of the time. About 16% of communication comes from reading and about 99% from writing. These statistics are for ordinary English speaking callers. Depending on the person's job or circumstances, these numbers may vary.
Each of these basic skills has some expertise in it. For example, pronunciation, which is a type of speaking skill that should be practiced to improve communication. Spelling is a skill that makes it easier to understand written words. A little skill in grammar and vocabulary. Micro doesn't mean it's not important. Macro skills such as listening are very common, while fine skills are more specific. More about entrances and exits
For best results, create a table that combines all four areas of study. Let one kind of study lead to another kind of guidance. For example, read a story and then share it with your friends. Watch a movie and write about it. That's what your teacher wants you to do in the English class, right? JhonHart.blogspot.com has 4 skills (and all minor skills) tutorials, and several external links to help you learn more. ESL Internet Resources
1. Learn how to listen
Listening to the radio
He does not always have a pen in his hand. Sometimes just listening helps.
Watch TV in English
ESL students urgently need children's programs.
Choose your favorite program in your language.
Remember that everything you hear on TV is extraordinary.
Call the answering machine registry
You can find these numbers on the cover of phone boxes in many English-speaking countries. Be sure to call the toll free numbers before calling.
Watch movies in English
Select people with subtitles, such as on ESL videos. Watch a movie without typing anything.
Use online listening resources
Every day, there are more and more places to listen to English on the Internet.
Learn to speak and pronounce
Talk to yourself
Talk about anything and everything. Do this in the privacy of your own home. If you can't do this before, try reading aloud so you can feel comfortable listening to your voice in English.
Record your voice
This can be very painful, but it will help you to find weaknesses in your pronunciation. Listen to you in a few days. What sounds do you find difficult to hear?
Use your phone.
Join the class
Learn general terms
Understand sounds that are not in your language
For example, many languages do not contain the sound "r". These sounds require a little extra practice.
Know that teachers are trained to understand you
When you step into the real world, if you don't learn to speak slowly and correctly, it will be difficult for ordinary people to understand you.
Learn to emphasize words and phrases
Practice pulling the tongue
English to English
Conversation tips
Informal abbreviations
Learn words and phrases
Read something every day.
Children's books, penguin programs, newspapers, magazines, websites, novels and much more ...
Read what interests you.
Remember, you learn best when you have fun.
Read at an appropriate level
You want to learn new vocabulary, but you also want to understand what you are reading. If you search every word, it will be very difficult to read.
Show who, what, where, when and why you read each story
You can do this for almost any type of reading. Who are we talking about? what happened? Why did this happen? Where is this business located? When it happened? This is very useful when you have no questions of understanding. You can write or pronounce your answers.
Always keep a finger-to-finger English dictionary on your finger
It is always a bad habit to rely on a translation dictionary or an electronic dictionary.
Make your English dictionary your lifeline.
When browsing the Internet, use an online dictionary (online keyword dictionary).
Save the vocabulary in your "personal dictionary"
Keep this laptop separate from other tasks. Write the alphabet in alphabetical order (English address book works well because it contains alphabetical letters). Note the part of the speech (sometimes there are many). Write yourself a deviant sentence (don't use a dictionary phrase) Check your personal words (especially new articles) every night before bed.
Don't always pay attention to grammar. Freelance writing can be very helpful. It can show you that writing is fun. Enjoy your language.
Write an email in English
Stay in touch with teachers or other students.
Rewriting local news in English
This is another exercise you can do on a daily basis. Remember it is best to exercise regularly.
Learn the basics of spelling
Keep in mind that you don't always have a dictionary or spell checker, especially when writing tests. Even local English speakers need to review their orthography from time to time.
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